MU Methylen urea
Methylen urea (MU) is special Slow Release Nitrogen obtained through the condensation of urea molecules with formaldehyde under strictly defined conditions, forming polymer chains of different lengths.The nitrogen release of MU is determined by the design of the polymer lengths and the ration between fast acting nitrogen (Water Soluble Nitrogen) and gradual release
nitrogen (Water Insoluble Nitrogen). Shorter chains are more soluble and readily availbale from microbial action. On the other hand, longer chains are more insoluble and require more time to be digested from microbial action in the soil.
Unlike other Controlled Release Nitrogen sources, the bioavailability of MU mainly depends on the soil micro-organism activity and mineralization action. MU is a source of organic carbon (life energy) and nitrogen (nutrient) for the soil micro-organisms. Using MU you feed and develop the beneficial microbial population responsible for the natural nitrogen mineralization process (breakdown of polymer chains into simple units).The conditions controlling the root growth and activity of the plants, temperature and humidity, are the same as those that regulate the microbial activity. This means that MU nitrogen is made available when the conditions for root activity and growth are optimal. The release of Nitrogen is in sync with crop needs.
In comparison with coated products, the slow release characteristics of MU products will not be lost if particles „are damaged“ or „are broken“ during shipping and handling. A gradual release of nitrogen is still assured, without nitrogen loss or dumping.
Furthermore, MU protects groundwater from nitrates and keeps nitrogen originated from fertilizers in the soil profile providing uniform and sustained feeding even in hot weather and heavy rains. This is because the Nitrogen release in MU products is not directly dependent only on temperature or hydrolysis, but it requires the microbial activities as well. MU present in some fertlizers from Fenix line is also a source of slowly available water soluble Nitrogen, a meaningful distinction from looking only at water insoluble nitrogen.